Sodapop Fizz – Anno 3 Puntata 1 (09/10/14)


Prima puntata della terza stagione di The Sodapop Fizz: Emiliano e Stefano in diretta ogni giovedì dalle 21:00 alle 22:30 su Radio Gazzarra.


01) Martino NencioniWhitecats
02) Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)We Are People Here. WeAre Not Numbers
03) Pietro RiparbelliUncodified Signals
04) Every Time I DieThe Great Secret
05) Shonen KnifeBad Luck Song
06) Code OrangeUnclean Spirit
07) Maurizio Abate – Towards The Outside
08) United Nations – Meanwhile On Main Street
09) Secret ColoursBlack Bird (Only One)
10) FensterMirrors
11) Nicola Ratti/Mark Templeton/OlsonResophonic (Excerpt)
12) ShellacThe People’s Microphone
13) Black RainbowsThe Hunter
14) Tyler The Creator48
15) Simon BalestrazziBroken God
16) Iceburn CollectivePart One (Side A of 1998: The IceburnCollective – Power of the Lion)
17) Peter PiekLeft Room

The Sodapop Fizz – Anno 3 – Puntata 1 (09/10/14) by Sodapop Webzine on Mixcloud